Operators and staff of residences certified as meeting NARR standards shall value and respect each resident and put each individual’s recovery strengths and needs at the forefront of all decision making. To meet this obligation, we adhere to the following principles:
1. Assess each potential resident’s strengths and needs, and determine whether the level of support available within the residence is appropriate. Provide assistance to the residents with appropriate referrals.
2. Value diversity and non-discrimination.
3. Provide a safe, homelike environment that meets NARR Standards.
4. Maintain an alcohol- and illicit-drug-free environment.
5. Honor individuals’ rights to choose their recovery paths within the parameters defined by the residence organization.
6. Protect the privacy, confidentiality and personal rights of each resident.
7. Provide consistent and uniformly applied rules.
8. Provide for the health, safety and welfare of each resident.
9. Address each resident fairly in all situations.
10. Encourage residents to sustain relationships with professionals, recovery support service providers and allies.
11. Take appropriate action to stop intimidation, bullying, sexual harassment and/or otherwise threatening behavior of residents, staff and visitors within the residence.
12. Take appropriate action to stop retribution, intimidation, or any negative consequences that could occur as the result of a grievance or complaint.
13. Provide consistent, fair practices for drug testing that promote the residents’ recovery and the health and safety of the recovery environment.
14. Provide an environment in which each resident’s recovery needs are the primary factors in all decision making.
15. Promote the residence with marketing or advertising that is supported by accurate, open and honest claims.
16. Decline taking a primary role in the recovery plans of relatives, close friends, and/or business acquaintances.
17. Sustain transparency in operational and financial decisions.
18. Maintain clear personal and professional boundaries.
19. Operate within the residence’s scope of service and within professional training and credentials.
20. Maintain an environment that promotes the peace and safety of the surrounding neighborhood and the community at large.